E-commerce Website Redesign

Website Redesign, Optimisation and SEO

When we first met Mark from B Sharp Music, his online shop website was already running. But his website did not perform well and had some serious technical issues. We changed and upgraded the existing e-commerce website design and functionality. The website engine is based on Prestashop platform and the loading time was nearly 10 seconds.

After resolving the main technical issues and optimising the performance, we managed to push the loading time down to less than 2 seconds. This had a significant impact both on the website visibility in search engines and on sales.

eshop website redesign and SEO

The internet is quickly evolving and new standards are applied every day. These changes have to be reflected in every website from time to time. In order to make this website more competitive, it was necessary to improve its performance, SEO and functionality.

To be able to improve visibility in search results in Google and other search engines we have done extensive on page content optimisation also called on-page SEO.

This was not easy to accomplish, for a website with hundreds of products and an existing customer base. However, with careful planning and the right set of tools, the process went very smoothly.